Build Connected Relationships
Life is a delicate balance between “science” and “art”. The art of connection happens when both parties freely choose to do what’s right for the relationship. The science of neurobiology is the vehicle that steers us toward healthier relationship patterns.
Your life is a rich and unique narrative that could be portrayed via your personal documentary. The plot in your film captures the sequence of life events, which begins before you were born. Each event affects the next one through the principle of cause and effect. Your story includes individual characters, scenes and events that are impossible to be edited or deleted. As Director of your story, what if… you could push pause and take time to breathe, rest, and connect with yourself and your body? What if, when you restart, you decided to change the course of the story? What if… through intentional work with horses, you could transform your life story into a state-of-the-art, joyful, cinematic experience?
Throughout life, many people experience trauma in one form or another. Trauma can include physical or emotional abuse, abandonment, rejection or loss. It can begin in utero due to a less than optimal pre-birth environment. Trauma can result from a one-time event, such as a car accident or painful medical procedure. Complex trauma can occur in the context of ongoing abusive or neglectful parent-child relationships or result from living in a war torn area. Trauma can have a significant impact on how we respond to and connect with those around us, limiting our ability to build and sustain healthy relationships. The good news is, we are not stuck with these habits forever! Because the brain has plasticity, new neural pathways can be developed through rhythm, repetition and connection with others.

We offer an extensive array of Trauma-Informed Equine Assisted Learning (TI-EAL) programs for groups and individuals of any age and demographic. Each course is designed to address a specific need within the community, and all are facilitated by trauma-informed practitioners and equine professionals. EAL programs are experiential in nature, are not facilitated by mental health professionals, and are not covered by health insurance.
What we know is, trauma happens in relationships, so it can only be healed in relationships. We believe that lasting change happens best when we’re having fun, we feel safe, and when we’re experiencing hands on interactions with someone we trust. We don’t just talk about connecting, we help you discover what being connected feels like in the moment; first in your body and then extending to those around you.
Trauma-Informed Equine Assisted Learning (TI-EAL)
Recreational Riding
The Little Springs Farm, LLC Recreational Riding program is customized to meet the specific goals of your family. This program is a positive, sensory rich, relationship building experience that enhances self-esteem and encourages healthy social interaction. This equine-assisted learning program is facilitated by trauma informed, Natural Lifemanship trained practitioners. While therapeutic in nature, this is not psychotherapy. As such, it is not facilitated by a mental health practitioner.
State-Wide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN) respite funds may be obtained through approved affiliates, and applied to this program. Families self-refer by calling the SWAN Helpline at: 800-585-SWAN (7926.)
Trauma-Focused Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (TF-EAPTM)
Natural Lifemanship’s TF-EAP: The New Standard in Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy
Natural Lifemanship founded Trauma-Focused Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, which is based on the neuroscience of human and horse brain development, the impact of trauma, and the role of relationships in recovery and healing. NL’s intentional and relational way of working with horses in the therapy process has become the new standard in EAP.
Little Springs Farm staff is trained in developmental neuroscience at the foundation of trauma-informed care, and the relationship principles found effective in helping humans and horses connect in ways that heal and transform both.

Keep checking back for updated photos of our upcoming activities through the holidays! You can also follow us on our Facebook Page!